MotorAfrica | Historical Data

Get Clarity and Control the Big Picture.

Our cutting-edge technology solutions are revolutionizing the methods through which fleet operators and supply chain managers oversee and track the activities of their fleet.

Extract valuable lessons from each journey to guide smart choices

By utilizing history playback data, you can obtain access to intelligent API endpoints that offer valuable insights into every trip undertaken by the vehicles in your fleet. This data encompasses a wide range of services, enabling you to track and analyze the journey details effectively.

Incident Analysis

Playback allows professionals to review past vehicle telemetry data to analyze and understand past incidents, accidents, or operational issues, enabling them to take corrective measures and prevent future occurrences.

Performance Evaluation

Professionals can use playback to assess vehicle and driver performance, identify patterns, and make informed decisions to enhance overall operational efficiency and safety.

Training and Coaching

Playback data can be utilized for training purposes, providing real-life examples for coaching and improving driver behavior and adherence to safety protocols.

Compliance and Regulation

It aids in ensuring compliance with industry regulations and standards by providing a clear historical record of vehicle operations and activities.

Maintenance Planning

It helps in planning vehicle maintenance schedules by identifying usage patterns and potential stress points on the vehicle, ultimately extending the vehicle's lifespan and reducing downtime.

Customer Service

Playback data can be utilized to address customer inquiries, disputes, or claims by providing accurate historical information, and enhancing customer service and satisfaction.

See it in action

Gain valuable insights from each trip to make informed decisions.

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Track your assets in real time

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Monitor & manage vehicle health

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Automate billing & payment

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Build bespoke mobility solutions

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